
Nonprofits Rail Against Anti-Lobbying Measure

WASHINGTON – Representatives from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the American Lung Association and several other nonprofit organizations said Tuesday their effectiveness would be hurt by a proposal that would inhibit their lobbying activities

Wynn Bill Would Encourage More Federal Workers to Retire Early

WASHINGTON – Maryland Rep

Clinton Given Bracelet Honoring Slain Md. Trooper

WASHINGTON – President Clinton received a memorial bracelet honoring a slain Maryland state trooper Thursday, as part of a new drug awareness campaign unveiled by a national community anti-drug coalition

Women Organize to Increase Voter Turn-Out

WASHINGTON – Maryland Rep

Court Orders Cut in Payments to Retired Baltimore Firefighter

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Special Appeals said Thursday that a Baltimore firefighter’s pension and workers compensation had to be reduced to the level of his weekly salary at retirement

Black Employees Allege Discrimination By Circuit City Stores

WASHINGTON – Nineteen former and current employees of Circuit City Stores Inc

Board Approves Two Economic Development Measures

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Board of Public Works continued the state’s economic development push Wednesday by offering loan packages to two businesses

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ANNAPOLIS – The renewal of Rockville Town Center received a lift from the state Wednesday as the Board of Public Works approved more than $2

Lawmakers Hear Business Leaders’ Economic Development Ideas

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland needs to shed its image as a high-tax state and form more solid links between business and government to win jobs for its citizens, state business leaders told lawmakers Tuesday

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WASHINGTON – Some transit systems in the Maryland-D