
With CNS-O’Neill Profile

ANNAPOLIS – When Allen Freidman, a small tavern owner in Laurel, feared Maryland’s proposed smoking ban might burn his business, he didn’t get mad

Bicycle Helmet Bill Makes Its Way To The Governor’s Desk

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland may soon become the ninth state to make children wear helmets when riding their bicycles

Morgan State On Rapid Rise

BALTIMORE – When then-Gov

Lobbying Tickets, 1st Ld-Writethru,665

ANNAPOLIS – Fifty state legislators accepted tens of thousands of dollars worth of sporting events tickets from lobbyists in 1993, a practice that may soon be prohibited

Senate Restores Funds for Indian Museum

WASHINGTON – Funding for a proposed American Indian museum center in Suitland, which was slashed last month by the House, has been largely restored by the Senate

Bill Would Create a Commission to Study Md. Court System

ANNAPOLIS – Tired of piecemeal solutions for a multitude of problems in the judiciary, the House of Delegates wants a new panel to offer suggestions on how to revamp Maryland’s courts

Air Concerns,585

WASHINGTON – Residents of the Baltimore-Washington region rank air pollution as their top environmental concern, according to a poll released Wednesday

New Airline Regulations Would Cost Regional Carriers

WASHINGTON – Two regional airlines in Maryland would be required to modify some of their planes to comply with safety regulations proposed last month by the Federal Aviation Administration

Sen. Astle and His Midshipman Son Discuss the Military

ANNAPOLIS – For 12 years Sen