“I can’t think of anything more critical to our future than figuring out how to secure ourselves in cyberspace,” Google Vice President Vinton Cerf told the Maryland Cybersecurity Council on Thursday.
Two Presidential Candidates with Maryland Ties Face Tough Road
Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina, the two remaining presidential candidates with ties to Maryland, didn’t do well in the Iowa caucuses and it’s difficult to see where they can do better in the primaries ahead.
Hogan Takes Bipartisan Tone for Second State Address, Focuses on Fiscal Conservatism
Hogan praised bipartisan efforts in the past year and pledged for more inter-party cooperation in the coming year. Some Democratic county executives, however, were not impressed.
Senate Budget and Tax Committee Discusses New Ways to Assess Property Taxes, Income Tax Return Claims
Members listened to various bill proposals and voiced their thoughts during the committee’s meeting Wednesday afternoon.
January Homicides in Baltimore Reach Lowest Point Since 2013 Following Months of Above-Average Highs
There were 14 homicides recorded in Baltimore city in January 2016, according to The Baltimore Sun.
Analysis: O’Malley Was Third Wheel in Clinton-Sanders Fight
O’Malley struggled to make an impression in Iowa.
Maryland Legislators and Farmers Introduce ‘Poultry Litter Management Act’
Introduced to both chambers of the General Assembly on Tuesday, the bill would require major animal agriculture companies to pay the cost of properly disposing excess manure on their contract farms.
Several Gun Rights Advocacy Groups Hold Rally in Annapolis With Lawmakers
Gun rights-activists said 2013’s Firearm Safety Act was an infringement on their Constitutional rights.
Maryland Lawmakers to Introduce Bills Guaranteeing a Week of Paid Sick Leave for All Workers
Advocates say that paid sick leave will make everyone healthier.