Disabled veterans join with active duty service men and women in the water in a kayaking football competition. The competition is sponsored by
Team River Runner which provides adaptive water sports to help veterans and active duty service members readjust to civilian life.
Veterans Play Kayak Football to Form Military Community
Historic Senate Chamber Restored in Maryland State House
The historic senate chamber in which George Washington resigned as Commander in Chief has been restored. The arrangement of the furniture reflects the way the room looked on December 23, 1783 according to carefully researched protocols for important Congressional events in the late 18th century.
Weather Map: A New Map to Help Combat Climate Change
There’s a push underway to get the state to move quickly to adopt regulations to slow down the impact of climate change and supporters are hoping a new map showing the impact of severe weather on Maryland will help the battle.
Baltimore Business Prepares to Help Community
A booming Baltimore business is giving back to the community.
Can a Failed Presidential Bid Still Boost O’Malley’s Career?
Martin O’Malley still isn’t polling well in his quest to become president, but neither were other politicians with similar numbers in past elections who used the race to attain national prominence.