
Welcome to Washington’s “Catfe”

How about some whiskers with that latte? We know just the place in Washington.

How Long Will Halloween Candy Last?

Here’s a breakdown of Halloween candy shelf life.

Community Trust of Police Requires Reforms, Experts Say

Nationwide reform of law enforcement practices is critical to restoring community trust in the police, officials said at a congressional forum Wednesday afternoon.

Apprenticeships Should Be in Every Zip Code: Labor Secretary Thomas Perez

Labor Secretary Thomas Perez said Tuesday that apprenticeships are the need of the hour and should grow in all sectors, especially in the fields of health care, technology and cyber security.

Mastodon Stands Tall in New Baltimore Exhibit

A replica mastodon skeleton and an historic painting of the discovery of the animal are now on display at the Maryland Historical Society.

Despite Dangers, Use of Synthetic Drugs Surges

More than 6,000 people have called poison control centers this year for problems related to taking a category of psychoactive drug known as synthetic cannabinoids. And that number is on the rise.

Non-Profit Organizes Halloween Costume Drive, ‘Treats’ Kids in Need

Let’s Help Kids, a non-profit organization started by six-year-old Rachel Harris (who is now 12), conducts a Halloween costume drive every year to provide free costumes to children in need.

Is Your Dinner Dangerous?

Find out if the meal you’re cooking is potentially cancer-causing, according to a new study.

Montgomery County Styrofoam Ban Aims to Help Environment

It’s a commonly used material, but beginning next year, you won’t see it if you get your food-to-go or take a doggie bag home in Montgomery County because of a ban approved by the County Council.

Will Pope Francis inspire more young men to become priests?

On the heels of Pope Francis’s visit to the United States, one Baltimore seminarian reflects on his inspiration to enter the priesthood.