
Ice Breaker Boats Keeping Chesapeake Bay Channel Open

Dealing with snowy roads and icy sidewalks is one thing, but when it comes to breaking up ice in the Chesapeake Bay to keep the shipping channel open, it’s the Maryland Department of Natural Resources that comes to the rescue.

Maryland School Systems Grapple with Influx of Central American Minors

Since August, most Central American “unaccompanied minors” who came to Maryland over the summer — often to escape gang violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador — moved into Prince George’s and Montgomery counties. School systems say they need more mental health and family counseling to respond to many students’ trauma.

Local Rabbi Barry Fruendel Pleads Guilty to 52 Counts of Voyeurism

Local rabbi and college instructor Rabbi Barry Freundel plead guilty to 52 misdemeanor charges of voyeurism after being charged with filming women as they undressed in preparation for ritual baths at the Kesher Israel Synagogue in Washington.

Inaugural Maryland STEM Festival Announces Week-Long Launch Date

STEM education is about to get a lot more fun with the first ever statewide Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Festival that’s hoping to turn today’s students into tomorrow’s innovators.

Local Girl Makes Clay Elephants to Help Abused Elephants in Thailand

Miriam Gardsbane of Rockville is passionate about helping elephants. She, along with friends and family, made clay elephants to sell at the Olney Farmers Market.

UMBC’s Choice Program is Helping Teens Get on Track

Imhotep Simba and Abdul Brannum may have had a brush with the law, but now they’re turning their lives around thanks to UMBC’s Choice Program that gives troubled teens new opportunities.

Amid Controversy, D.C. Marijuana Law Goes Into Effect

Initiative 71 makes it legal for anyone over 21 in Washington, D.C. to possess up to two ounces of marijuana and to grow up to six marijuana plants in their homes. The marijuana must be consumed on private property and cannot be sold, but rather must be traded or shared.

House Committee Hears Bills on Decriminalization, Legalization of Marijuana

Other Bills Would Change College Sexual Assault Policies, Reform Rape-Kit Processing

Bill Requires 25 Percent of State’s Energy to be From Renewable Sources by 2020

Businessmen, religious leaders and environmentalists pushed for the expansion of clean energy in Maryland at the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday.

The bill, sponsored by state Senator Brian Feldman, D-Montgomery, would increase the use of renewable energy to power the state. Known as the 2015 Maryland Clean Energy Advancement Act, it would require 25 percent of Maryland’s energy to come from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, by 2020.

Hogan Announces Initiatives To Combat State’s Heroin and Opioid ‘Crisis’

Governor creates task force and inter-agency council to fight heroin epidemic