Farmers markets are in every county in Maryland, but there are not enough local farmers to meet the demand.
Lack of Female Mentors Can Affect Female Science Enrollment
Female faculty can play an important role in students’ decision to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math fields.
Bill Would Restrict Shackling of Pregnant Inmates in Md.
Maryland’s General Assembly is considering legislation that would restrict the practice of shackling pregnant inmates.
Shark Fin Soup Might Leave the Menu
A bill in both the House and Senate would make it illegal, with some exceptions, to distribute, possess, sell or trade shark fins in Maryland, effectively making it illegal to sell shark fin soup in the state.
History of Gun Legislation in Maryland
Gov. Martin O’Malley’s new gun legislation will be heard on the Senate next week. His bill would be one in a long line of gun legislation in Maryland that dates back to at least 1886.
Maryland Restaurant Caters to Food Allergies
Maureen Burke marks every item on her menu with a color-coded stamp that identifies potential allergens, and her kitchen is divided into two parts, real cheese and fake cheese. She is doing with her restaurant, One Dish Cuisine, what a bill in both the House and Senate would ask all Maryland restaurants to do: Understand food allergies.