In April, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled that owning pit bulls or allowing them on your property is an “inherently dangerous activity.
Gas Tax Changes in Maryland and Virginia Could Affect Where Commuters Buy their Gas
A gas tax repeal in Virginia or an increase in Maryland could make Maryland to Virginia commuters fill up near work, instead of near home.
Poll Shows Maryland Voters Support Assault Weapons Ban
Maryland voters support an assault weapons ban, strongly oppose a gas tax, and show increasing opposition to the death penalty, according to a new Gonzales Research & Marketing Strategies, Inc. poll.
Death Penalty: Maryland Executions and Death Row Inmates (Interactive Graphic)
Maryland has had five executions since 1976 when the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty and there are currently five inmates on the state’s death row awaiting execution.
Delegate Reintroduces Cell Phone Ban Legislation
Delegate James E. Malone Jr. proposed legislation making it a primary offense to talk on the phone while driving.
Gov. O’Malley Takes a Third Swing at Wind Energy
Gov. Martin O’Malley on Tuesday embarked on his third attempt to bring wind energy to Maryland via a subsidized wind farm off the coast of Ocean City.
Gov. O’Malley Proposes Strict New Gun Control Laws
If O’Malley’s gets his wish, Maryland would ban the sale of assault weapons, limit the ammunition capacity of magazines and require handgun buyers to submit fingerprints as part of the licensing requirement.