“I won, by the way, but you know, we’ll find that out. Almost 74 million votes,” President Donald Trump falsely claimed on Nov. 20, almost two weeks after losing the presidential election. That night, NBC, ABC and CBS all broadcast…
How Trump Changed Political Journalism
President Donald J. Trump has irrevocably altered the landscape of political journalism. As a Republican candidate in 2015, his loud, brash antics catapulted him to the forefront of the debate stage. In response, the media kickstarted Trumpmania–giving the former reality…
A Year for the History Books
“The good, the bad and the ugly” should be the motto for 2020. In the last eleven months, Americans have been through more than they bargained for. The year began with President Donald Trump’s impeachment, and later acquittal. Many Americans…
Election Security in 2020
Cyberattacks, information warfare and foreign interference plagued the 2016 election. Four years later, much has changed. The Department of Homeland Security declared the 2020 election “the most secure in American history.” Improvements to election infrastructure coupled with an evolving media…
Fact Checking under the Trump Administration
From COVID-19 to the presidential elections, news networks and social media platforms are constantly fact-checking and clarifying misleading information from the Trump administration. This amount of fact checking is unprecedented, and social sites like Twitter have taken on new measures…
Why Clinton Failed and Biden Prevailed
Joe Biden is set to defeat President Donald Trump in the Electoral College with his 306 votes to Trump’s 232. Ironically, in 2016 Trump beat Hillary Clinton by nearly the same electoral margin. So how did everything completely reverse in…
Jonathan Karl, the Model for Covering Trump’s Post Presidency
Presidents usually fade from the spotlight as their successor takes office. Donald Trump will not. The press must adapt to cover Trump post-presidency. Journalists cannot again allow him to manipulate the media to his advantage, whether on television, over the…
Coverage of Essential Workers in Pandemic Shows Their Value
Nine months ago, everyone’s daily routine came to a halt. News outlets started informing the public about a deadly respiratory infection that has now killed more than 280,000 Americans. Schools, law firms and workers in other non-essential jobs were told…
How Maryland public schools have responded to COVID-19
Maryland’s public schools have taken various approaches to instruction delivery during the pandemic. Most schools have chosen to stay virtual as cases continue to rise. Local parents are convinced that their children need in-person instruction to succeed.
Allegany County experiencing surge in COVID-19 cases
During the height of the pandemic, Allegany County was once experiencing a 7-day rolling average of less than three cases per 100,000 people. But now, Allegany County and adjacent counties are grappling with rates more than triple the statewide average.
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