Amy Dodson

Campaign email: Age: 47 Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Business, Chowan University. Why are you running for the school board?   There were several factors that motivated me to take this step. Just one of those being I have a child with…

Five takeaways from the Cox/Moore gubernatorial debate

Gubernatorial candidates Dan Cox and Wes Moore tangled, sometimes viciously, in their first, and probably only, televised debate.

In this episode of the CNS podcast “Takeover”: the Federalist Society

We explore tactics used by conservative interest groups to help get justices appointed to the highest court in the land.

Ashley Esposito

Campaign email: Website: Facebook: Age: 38 Employment: Front end developer for a consulting company. Education: Bachelor of Science, Software Development & Security, University of Maryland Global Campus. Why are you running for the school board?   I am…

James Miller

Campaign email: Website: Facebook: Age: 39 Employment: Johns Hopkins – Senior Director, Finance  Education: MBA, Finance – Loyola University Maryland Why are you running for the school board?   First and foremost, I am a parent. I have…

Cindy Rose

Campaign email: Website: Age: 59 Employment: Retired paralegal/Office manager What is the highest level of education that you completed, and where did you get that degree?  Why isn’t this question about “life experience?” Lots of Ph.D.’s have ruined…

Governors, EPA address restoration failures, path forward

A report released by the EPA last week said only West Virginia and Washington are on track to meet their pollution reduction objectives.

Adnan Syed returns home, neighbor “prayed” for his return

Betty Gaskins was sitting at her kitchen table Tuesday morning when she saw the news that Syed, her neighbor and the subject of the nationally popular podcast “Serial,” was finally free after the Baltimore City State’s Attorney Office dropped all charges and declared his innocence.

Double cropping insurance expansion protects Maryland farmers

The practice of double cropping, which has been done in Maryland for years, is now automatically protected for farmers by a national insurance coverage expansion granted by the USDA.

Lawyers guide Baltimore residents in leaving some criminal records behind

Maryland Legal Aid and Loyola University Maryland have partnered in two clinics to prepare free petitions of expungement for nearly 70 clients, saving them a total of $1,890 in filing fees, according to Legal Aid.