Central Maryland voters cannot agree on which presidential candidate they like better
Morella Hails House Passage of Violence Against Women Act
WASHINGTON – The House on Friday approved a conference committee report that would expand the Violence Against Women Act and more than double funding for the program, which was scheduled to expire this month
High Court to Determine if Evidence is Garbage
ANNAPOLIS – Trash talk prompted a lively debate in Maryland’s highest court Friday over whether Cambridge Police improperly searched a woman’s garbage in order to find evidence of drug possession
Marylanders Want Better Health Care and Education, Demand Honesty
Marylanders say when it comes to economics, they are better off now than they were four years ago, but when it comes to moral values and the country as a whole, they say things are actually worse, according to a Capital News Service survey
Maryland Farmers Expect a Smashing Pumpkin Season
WASHINGTON – This year’s pumpkin crop looks to be something even Charlie Brown would be proud of
Buchanan Out of Debates, But Down With Grassroots
ANNAPOLIS – Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan is focusing on grassroots campaigning as a way to gather Maryland supporters, after being left out of the national presidential debates this election season
West Nile Virus Discovered in Montgomery County
ANNAPOLIS – Two crows found in and near Rockville have tested positive for West Nile virus, bringing the total of infected Maryland crows to 21 this year
Question of Taste: Bush, Gore Leave Majority of 6 Million Coffee Drinkers Cold
ANNAPOLIS – The voters have spoken: cream, sugar, black, but, PLEASE, not Bush or Gore
New Law May Be A Sign of Things to Come for Maryland Lobbyists
ANNAPOLIS – The aftermath of ethics violations in the Maryland General Assembly continued as a new law tightening lobbyist reporting requirements went into effect this week and a panel prepared recommendations for even more restrictions