JESSUP – Nine Girl Scouts, in unison with their mothers, pledged to respect authority, be honest, fair and responsible for their actions, and to make the world a better place — from behind the walls of a prison
Experts at Loss to Explain Soaring Number of Autistic Students in State
WASHINGTON – The number of autistic children in Maryland’s public schools has grown by roughly 300 students per school year for four years, according to the state Department of Education, but advocates say it is difficult to pinpoint a single cause
Woman-Owned Firms in State Outpace National Average for Federal Contracts
LANHAM – Kristine Cruikshank’s business cards used to proudly display the words “woman-owned corporation
From Mom to Entrepreneur to CEO, Female Business Owner Grows With Her Firm
LANHAM – Kristine Cruikshank’s office is decorated in gray and blue ocean tones, a perfect color scheme to go with the sound of water trickling from a Japanese-style water fountain her employees gave her
Manufacturers Report Cotton Swab Misuse Could Cause Injury
ANNAPOLIS – Cotton swab users beware: flagrant violation of manufacturers’ warnings could leave you with wadding in your ear
Reusing Disposable Medical Devices Involved in Few Reported Problems
ANNAPOLIS – Reused “single-use” medical devices accounted for less than 1 percent of first-quarter 2000 cases of possible device malfunctions, according to an analysis of newly released Food and Drug Administration data
Maryland Infant Warmer Maker Appears in FDA Medical Device Data
ANNAPOLIS – A Maryland manufacturer’s infant warmer system pops up on a Food and Drug Administration database of medical device problems more than 40 times since 1992, but that doesn’t mean the device is faulty
Billions in Federal Contracts Land in a Handful of Maryland ZIP Codes
WASHINGTON- Maryland-based contractors earned $11
County Planners Probe Secret to Making Airports, People Compatible
ANNAPOLIS – Like special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully on TV’s “X- Files,” Craig Rovelstad and Wendy Irminger are working together on a flying- object mystery
Encroaching Development Makes for Unfriendly Skies for Small Airports
ANNAPOLIS – Small suburban airports are increasingly at odds with development interests in Maryland as the surging economy provides landowners with strong incentives to cash in their airports or the open spaces around them