ANNAPOLIS – Seven years ago, a fire left Sahlah Lawson and her family homeless after their landlord deliberately set the place on fire to collect insurance payments
Glendening Plays Hardball to Win Gun Bill’s Passage
ANNAPOLIS – To get his gun control bill through the Maryland House of Delegates, Gov
Maryland Woman Tells Congress It Is Time to Rein In Bounty Hunters
WASHINGTON – Five bounty hunters beat, pepper-sprayed and spit out racial slurs at Chinelle Moore inside her Laurel home, then drew a gun on her 5-year- old daughter — before realizing the man they were looking for was not home
Maryland Senate Reverses; Allows Nurse Practitioners to Be Primary Care-givers
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland senators reversed themselves Thursday, approving by one vote a bill to allow nurse practitioners to serve as primary-care providers after nearly killing the bill by two votes the previous day
Fewer Frogs in Maryland Could Foreshadow Deeper Environmental Problems
WASHINGTON – Frog populations are declining as their habitat disappears in Maryland and frogs with deformities have also been found in the state, making it part of a nationwide trend of troubled amphibian populations, researchers said Wednesday
Quantico Woman Crusades for Sleep Awareness After Tragedy Strikes
WASHINGTON – The last words Melissa Cullen remembered hearing from her father was “hang on,” as he tried to avoid the gold car that had crossed the center lane and was heading straight for their car
House Passes Charter School Bill
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland House of Delegates voted Tuesday to allow charter schools to form anywhere in the state, a move that could tap millions in federal funding for states that pass such legislation
Senate Approves Governor’s Gun Plan, Without `Smart Gun’ Requirement
The Maryland Senate approved most of Gov
National Survey Shows Maryland Residents Have Generally Healthy Lifestyles
WASHINGTON – Maryland residents have relatively healthy habits, placing among the top 10 in the nation when it comes to limiting several harmful behaviors and getting some types of preventive care, according to a study released Friday