WASHINGTON – Maryland agriculture officials will be looking over leaves of clover a little more carefully this spring, after discovering a new clover- eating weevil in four counties last year
Maryland Senate Backs Grants for Professionals-Turned-Teachers
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Senate unanimously approved a bill Friday to provide state grants for people returning to college for teacher certification, one of a series of proposals this session to help alleviate the teacher shortage
Bills to Protect Bay, Save Nation’s Estuaries, Advance in House Committee
WASHINGTON – A House committee voted Thursday to extend a Chesapeake Bay restoration program for five years and to create a new program aimed at renewing 1 million acres of estuary habitat nationwide
Maryland Mom Still Fighting, Seven Years After Police Fatally Shot Her Son
WASHINGTON – A District Heights mother brought her crusade for justice to Capitol Hill Wednesday, seven years after she said police officers wrongfully shot and killed her son
Satellites Will Keep an Eye on Potomac River Levels, Under New Program
WASHINGTON – Potomac River levels will be monitored with the help of satellites that should help give better and earlier warning of floods, under a stream-gauge improvement program outlined Wednesday on Capitol Hill
Governor Plans End Run to Get Smart Guns Passed
ANNAPOLIS – With a crucial Senate committee poised to dilute his smart gun proposal, Gov
Senate Preserves Textbook Aid to Private Schools in State Budget
ANNAPOLIS – Private schools moved a step closer to getting millions in state aid for books Wednesday as the Maryland Senate finalized its version of the state’s $19
Maryland’s Tax Structure Shelters Working Poor, Study Shows
ANNAPOLIS – Maryland comes out better than other states in how it taxes the income of its poorest citizens, according to a new study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities