Prominent Atheist’s Son Backs Maryland School Prayer Bill

ANNAPOLIS – Several community groups and church representatives supported a bill to permit student-led prayers at school-sponsored events, while the American Civil Liberties Union told lawmakers it was contradictory and probably unconstitutional

Maryland Quarter Expected to Bring Cheap Thrill to Coin Dealers, Collectors

WASHINGTON – Not one exciting thing has happened in the coin industry in all the years Fred Miller has been collecting

Glendening, Key Senator Revise Gun Bill for Passage

ANNAPOLIS – With his smart gun proposal facing its first and biggest hurdle next week, Gov

Rappaport Captures GOP Nomination by Raising Less, Spending Less

WASHINGTON – Republican Senate nominee Paul Rappaport won Tuesday’s primary election by spending less and raising less than any of the top four finishers

Dentist Dearth Gives Rural Maryland Toothache

ANNAPOLIS – TLC Community Health Center’s two dentists handle a patient load nearly double that of the average dentist and receive dozens more crisis calls about children with so much tooth decay they need surgery

NRC Head Sees ‘No Concerns’ After Personal Tour of Calvert Cliffs

LUSBY – The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said he has “no concerns” about safety or other issues at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant after touring the Lusby facility Friday

Inventive Student,450

WASHINGTON – Nicole Shannon-Lass can remember working with her hands as long ago as age 7, when she helped her dad fix up his old Volkswagen Bug

Booming Southern Maryland Led State in Population Gains in 1990s

WASHINGTON – Calvert County’s population leaped by 44 percent in the 1990s, the biggest growth rate in the state, according to the U

Special Education Extension Passes Unanimously in House

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland House of Delegates Friday unanimously approved a plan to standardize graduation times for special education students

Lawmakers Working to Solve Maryland Dental Dilemma

ANNAPOLIS – With a growing dental-care crisis in rural Maryland, lawmakers are trying to find ways to attract dentists to underserved areas – and keep them there