Glendening Excites Environmentalists With Vow To Fight Sprawl, Expand Transit

ANNAPOLIS – Environmentalists applauded the strategy against sprawl that Gov

High Court Rejects Challenge of Good Friday Holiday for Public Schools

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to hear a former Montgomery County schoolteacher’s challenge of a state law that mandates a public school holiday from the Friday before Easter to the Monday following

High Court Rejects Homebuilders’ Bid to Recoup $6.8 Million in State Taxes

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal from an area homebuilder that wanted a refund of $6

Glendening Plans Investment of State Surplus in Education

ANNAPOLIS – With a prosperous national economy and a huge state budget surplus, Gov

High-Schoolers Lobby Senators for In-line Skating Helmet Law

ANNAPOLIS – High school students on in-line skates glided around the Statehouse Tuesday lobbying senators to amend the current bicycle helmet law to include such skates

HMOs Spread Risk, But Unpaid Medical Claims Often Result

ANNAPOLIS – Health maintenance organizations need to be more accountable for the contracts made with the smaller companies they use to lessen their monetary risks and fulfill their health care responsibilities, the commissioner of the Maryland Insurance Administration said Tuesday

Court Says Cops Cannot Apply Law Retroactively to Claim ‘Lost’ Wages

A federal appeals court has ruled that the Baltimore City Police Department does not have to pay lost military wages and benefits to police officers who were restricted from joining the National Guard or Reserves before 1986

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, So Feds Invest $1.1 Million in Suitland Fence

SUITLAND – Neighborhood activists whooped and hollered at a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new $1

Glendening Proposes $19.6 Billion Maryland Budget

ANNAPOLIS – Touting record low poverty and a $925 million surplus, Gov