Maryland Not Likely to Shake Flu Bug for Several More Weeks, Officials Say

WASHINGTON – Doctors say it may be four to six weeks before the end of flu season in Maryland, which health officials say has now reached all parts of the state

Hubbard rolling the stones

ANNAPOLIS – If Delegate James Hubbard, D-Prince George’s, gets his way, a stone will join the Baltimore oriole and the black-eyed Susan as a symbol of The Free State

All But a Few Maryland Towns Officially Mark King Holiday

WASHINGTON – The 38 employees of Delmar will get Martin Luther King Day off this year, the first time the holiday will be observed in the small town that straddles the Maryland-Delaware line

Home Confinement Bill Speeds Through Senate Committee

ANNAPOLIS – A bill expanding authority to sentence criminals to home confinement was rushed through a state Senate committee Thursday over the objections of a committee member and the public defender’s office

Army Wants to Dispose of Historic Forest Glen Seminary Property

WASHINGTON – The Army said formally Friday that it will dispose of a group of Forest Glen buildings, raising fears among neighbors that a piece of Maryland history could be destroyed

Glendening Poses Plan for Digital Dominance

ANNAPOLIS – Three of the state’s top elected leaders Friday detailed plans to make Maryland the nation’s pinnacle of electronic commerce, and from motor vehicle registration lines to business startups, Marylanders could be in for a big change

House GOP Says Dump Bay Dumping Plan

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland House Republican Caucus Friday opposed open-bay dumping in the Chesapeake by backing two bills to prohibit the practice and demand alternatives from the Baltimore Port Authority

Stern Proposes Bill to Toughen Penalties for Animal Abuse

ANNAPOLIS – A bill to make animal abuse a felony was introduced by Delegate Joan Stern, D-Montgomery, to heighten awareness about the link between animal abuse and potential violent criminals

New Bill Calls for Calvert Nature Center Funding

ANNAPOLIS – State lawmakers are asking for $150,000 to help build a new environmental education center at Flag Ponds Nature Park in Calvert County

Maryland’s Smog Problem is One of Nation’s Most Pervasive, Report Says

WASHINGTON – Maryland was the second-worst state in the nation for statewide smog readings last year, according to a report from an environmental watchdog group