Ex-Million-Dollar Lobbyist Bereano Disbarred for Criminal Conviction

ANNAPOLIS – Influential state lobbyist and Annapolis lawyer Bruce C

Report Ranks Maryland High Among States for Abortion Rights

WASHINGTON – Maryland is one of the best states in the nation when it comes to protecting abortion rights, and activists on both sides of the debate said Thursday that pro-choice groups likely have the votes to keep it that way

Southern Maryland Lawmakers Seek Piece of State Budget Surplus

ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland legislators hope to claim a piece of the state’s $925 million surplus for education because their region’s population is rapidly increasing

New Environmental Concerns Delay Report on Dumping in Chesapeake

WASHINGTON – New environmental concerns about a proposed Chesapeake Bay dredge dumping site “give me pause” and will require another six months of study, a U

Eastern Shore Delegation Presents United Front in 2000 General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS – The Eastern Shore delegation is united for strength and has a plan for the Maryland General Assembly’s 2000 session: pass legislation against open bay dumping, battle Maryland Gov

Maryland Schools Get Mixed Report Card in National Study

WASHINGTON – Maryland aced the test for school standards and accountability but received an F for school climate in a study released Wednesday by a national education magazine

Protesters Rally to Urge Legislators to Stop Police Brutality

ANNAPOLIS – As the Maryland General Assembly gaveled in the new session Wednesday, police brutality protestors rallied outside the Statehouse to support a bill to create a special prosecutor to probe law enforcement abuse

Montgomery County Wants General Assembly to Grant $50 Million for Schools

ANNAPOLIS – Montgomery County went to the opening day of the Maryland General Assembly Wednesday gunning for its share of the expected $925 million surplus in the state budget, specifically $50 million for school construction

Prince George’s County Delegation Rallies Behind School Funding, Transportation Requests

ANNAPOLIS – The Prince George’s County General Assembly delegation wants state funding for a glitzy new Potomac River development and another $44 million for school construction – requests that the county is finally unified behind, said Sen