Analysts Say GOP Crowd Unlikely to Trample Sarbanes in Senate Race

WASHINGTON – Montgomery County businessman Rob Sobhani is expected to announce his candidacy Wednesday for the U

Baltimore Made the Most of Its Political Clout in the 20th Century

WASHINGTON – The days of Baltimore holding all the cards in the General Assembly are not merely gone — they never were

Cooperative Revitalization Effort Lands Small Towns a Big Award

WASHINGTON – When he’s not performing his duties as mayor of Colmar Manor, Michael Garrett sometimes drives high-ranking government officials to the White House in his part-time job as a limo driver

Maryland Primaries Come but Once Every Few Years and No One Cares

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s presidential primary elections are less than three months away

Maryland Christmas Tree Growers Tinker with Tradition

WASHINGTON – There’s nothing like the fresh tangerine aroma of a silvery Christmas tree around the holidays — at least that’s what some Maryland Christmas tree growers are hoping to hear

Lawmakers, Prosecutors Prepare to Battle Over Gun Prosecution Program

WASHINGTON – A group of Maryland legislators and law enforcement officials are headed for Virginia Friday for a closer look at an aggressive anti-gun program that they hope to bring to Maryland

Business Group Says State Investment in School Technology is Paying Off

WASHINGTON – Maryland students and teachers who have access to computers have become increasingly comfortable with technology, according to a study released Wednesday by the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education

One of Maryland’s Top Lobbyists Returns to Statehouse Action

ANNAPOLIS – After being confined to his Duke of Gloucester Street office for the 1999 session, lobbyist Bruce C

Voters Face Deadline to Change Parties

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland voters who want to switch parties to vote in the March 7 presidential primary must do so by Monday, even though unregistered voters have until Feb

Health Care Bills Top Legislators’ Charts

ANNAPOLIS – Most nursing homes and assisted living facilities say they already offer flu and pneumonia vaccines, but Delegate Marilyn Goldwater, D-Montgomery, wants to assure the elderly get their shots by introducing a law requiring facilities to ask residents and staff to be vaccinated