Fewer Than One Student in Four Writes Above Basic Level, Study Says

WASHINGTON – Only 1 percent of Maryland students write at an “advanced” level and 77 percent had skills that were basic or worse, according to a national report card on students’ writing abilities

College Park Student Hospitalized with Meningitis-Like Symptoms

WASHINGTON – A University of Maryland student was hospitalized Tuesday with what appeared to be a bacterial form of meningitis and College Park officials were seeking anyone who may have been in close contact with him

Appeals Court Orders Maryland Ambulance Company to Recognize Union

A federal appeals court has upheld a union vote and ordered a Maryland ambulance company to begin bargaining with the Teamsters local that was elected to represent workers at the company in 1997

Despite Prohibition, Some State Doctors, Patients Swear by Marijuana Use

WASHINGTON – Possession of marijuana is illegal in Maryland, punishable by up to a year in jail and a fine of $1,000

Medicinal Marijuana Users Watch, Hope for D.C. Bill to Legalize Use

WASHINGTON – If medicinal marijuana becomes legal in Washington, D

Bereano Will Speak to Lobbyist Reform Panel

ANNAPOLIS – Lobbyist Bruce C

Study Confirms What Working Poor Know: Maryland’s a Costly State

WASHINGTON – While Congress struggles with a proposal to raise the minimum wage, thousands of Maryland workers continue to wrestle with the area’s high cost of living

Maryland Woman At Head of `Million Mom March’ for Gun Control

WASHINGTON – Rosemary McLain is looking for a few good moms — 999,999 of them

Texas Shooting Has Churches Asking if They Must Be A Mighty Fortress

ROCKVILLE – Music and laughter filled the chapel at Redland Baptist Church as a rambunctious group of teen-agers in jeans and sneakers gathered Wednesday for PreFix, the church’s weekly youth night

EPA Says Tipton Airport Cleanup Complete, `Superfund’ Status Should End

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Protection Agency has announced plans to remove Tipton Airport from the “Superfund” cleanup list, a step that Anne Arundel County officials say is crucial to their operation of the airfield