State’s Prison Population Boom Becoming an Echo

WASHINGTON – The growth of Maryland state prison populations has taken a nose-dive, after a decade of booming growth

University Officials Upset By Pepsi One Ad

COLLEGE PARK – University of Maryland officials said they are disappointed with a recent national ad for the soft drink Pepsi One that spoofs the college’s students engaging in stereotypical fraternity drinking activities, using the cola instead of alcohol

Leaping Lizards,852


YMCA Program Helps Move Displaced Women Into Work

ANNAPOLIS – Sylvia Dobson and her daughter moved to Glen Burnie to make a new start

Faraway Attacks in Kosovo Reverberate With Maryland Albanians, Serbs

WASHINGTON – The phone call came at 2 p

Maryland’s Highway Fatalities Lowest in 30 Years

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland has its fewest number of highway fatalities in 30 years, according to statistics released by the State Highway Administration Friday morning

Maryland’s Cuban-Americans Divided Over Orioles Games Against Cubans

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s small Cuban community is divided over the Baltimore Orioles’ upcoming trip to Cuba

Rewritten Food Allergy Bill Approved

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland House of Delegates Wednesday passed a revamped version of a bill to provide safeguards for restaurant diners who suffer from food allergies

Maryland Doctors, Hospitals Fare Poorly in Test of Bioterrorist Response

WASHINGTON – A recent test of Maryland’s readiness to respond to bioterrorist attacks produced dismal results, a Johns Hopkins University doctor told a Senate panel Thursday