Governor’s Race Brought National Funds Flowing into Maryland

WASHINGTON – National party committees poured a total of $461,252 into Maryland in the last election cycle because of the “very high-profile governor’s race” here, officials said

Morgan State Studies Business With an Urban Outlook

BALTIMORE – The business students at Morgan State University started class by discussing a textbook marketing case — should an Indonesian coffee company enter the U

Statewide Highway Program Alleviates Traffic Problems

ANNAPOLIS A car runs out of gas on the Capital Beltway, stalling in the middle lane at 8 a

Minority Broadcasters Boom, but Charge Discrimination

WASHINGTON – Like much of the radio industry, which has ridden a wave of more than 70 months of sales growth, Lanham-based Radio One Inc

Environmentalist Irked By Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant Ruling

WASHINGTON – Environmentalists say the public has been cut out of the licensing renewal process for the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant, as a result of a new Nuclear Regulatory Commission rule

Mikulski Resting After Successful Gall Bladder Surgery

WASHINGTON – Surgery to remove an inflamed gall bladder from Sen

FCC Defends Role in Study Sidebar

WASHINGTON – Critics of the Federal Communications Commission report on discriminatory advertising practices said the agency had no business commissioning the study and has no power to enforce its findings

UMES pushes Assateague Ecology Project

ANNAPOLIS The president of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore urged the Eastern Shore delegation today to support funding for a proposed coastal teaching and research laboratory on Assateague Island

Growing Southern Maryland Appeals for More School Money

ANNAPOLIS – The three small counties of Southern Maryland battled more populous counties in the north and east for school construction money Wednesday, relying on frugality instead of showy demonstrations to make their case to the Board of Public Works

Ex-councilman’s Sex Conviction Overturned

ANNAPOLIS- A former Havre de Grace councilman may be retried on sex abuse charges because his accuser could have benefited financially from his conviction and jurors weren’t told