A federal appeals court has ordered a new hearing for Columbia Union College, which was denied state funding because of its affiliation with the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pierpont’s 15th Campaign Takes on Mikulski in Race for Senate
WASHINGTON – Grace Pierpont has watched her husband run for office 14 times before
Neas Attacks Morella as Too Conservative in Competitive 8th District
WASHINGTON – In the last week of his bid to unseat 8th District Rep
Sauerbrey Has Worked to Shed `Sour Grapes’ Image
ANNAPOLIS – Helen Kadlec tells of pranks she pulled with her roommate at Western Maryland College
Kondner Wants Voters to Have a Choice, Even If It’s Not Him
WASHINGTON -It’s 45 degrees on a frigid Friday morning and the breeze at the intersection of Route 40 and Rolling Road is swift
Senate Candidate Reaches Into Own Pocket to Fund Television Ads
WASHINGTON – Republican Senate challenger Ross Pierpont will spend $230,000 of his own money to mount a statewide television ad campaign in the 10 days remaining until the election
Social Security Numbers on Driver’s Licenses Raises Fears
WASHINGTON – Congress last week failed to repeal a law that will require that Social Security numbers become part of a driver’s license, a plan that privacy advocates fear is the first step toward a national ID card