Appeals Court Orders New Trial in Baltimore Insurance Dispute

A federal appeals court ordered a new trial for a Baltimore couple who sued their insurance agency for property damages, saying their agent had a responsibility to sell them the appropriate type of coverage

Pro-Choice Lobby Endorses Boozer and Lawlah

ANNAPOLIS – An abortion-rights group has endorsed the re- election bids of state senators from Prince George’s and Baltimore counties in an attempt to prevent passage next year of a bill that would take away abortion rights

Glendening’s Stiff-Arm of Clinton Criticized by State Democrats

Maryland Democrats reacted coolly Tuesday to Gov

U. Md. President Calls Campus Racial Incident Sickening

University of Maryland President Clayton Daniel “Dan” Mote Jr

Ethics Commission Recommends Changes to State Law

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland moved a step closer Tuesday to revamping its decades-old state ethics law

Northwest Strike Won’t Hurt Record Holiday Weekend Traffic

WASHINGTON – Despite record numbers of air travelers, regional airports say that the Northwest Airlines pilots’ strike should have little impact on air travel over the holiday weekend

State Officials Defend Maryland’s Below-Average SAT Scores

WASHINGTON – Maryland’s 1998 SAT scores ranked 34th among states and remained below the national average for the fourth year in a row, according to data released by the College Board

Appeals Court Won’t Interfere With University Tenure Decision

ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Special Appeals overturned a lower-court decision Thursday and ruled that the University of Baltimore did not break contract or deal unfairly with a professor when it denied her tenure

Think Tank Gives Glendening a C on Fiscal Policy Report Card

WASHINGTON – Maryland Gov

Court Says Woman Can Sue Police in Brutal Dog Attack

WASHINGTON – A federal appeals court ruled a Silver Spring woman can sue the city of Takoma Park and Prince George’s County for being mauled by a police dog during a 1995 search of her home