ANNAPOLIS – Baltimore County Executive C
Southern Maryland Lawmakers Worry About Impact on Farmers
ANNAPOLIS – Southern Maryland lawmakers this week wrapped up the “kind of session that you’d like to leave and face the voters” — unless the voters are farmers
Howard Lawmakers Happy With Haul, Hoping for More
ANNAPOLIS – In a session of legislative largesse, Howard County lawmakers secured at least $34 million in state funding for roads, schools, and the purchase of the historic Smith Farm
Baltimore Hails Session Wins, Harford Hedges
ANNAPOLIS – School construction, Pfiesteria piscicida, tax relief and the dairy compact topped central Maryland’s priorities this legislative session
Black Caucus Members Rebound, Find Cause to Praise Session
ANNAPOLIS – Members of the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus said they managed to regroup from the early-session ouster of their leader, former Sen
Western Maryland Lawmakers Hail Productive Legislative Session
ANNAPOLIS – Western Maryland lawmakers called the just-ended legislative session “a bang-up year” that included improved health care for the poor, a 5 percent income tax cut and passage of a bill to help state dairy farmers
Pfiesteria Overshadowed Good Session for Shore Lawmakers
ANNAPOLIS – Eastern Shore legislators said they ended this session of the General Assembly with a lot of funding they wanted and a lot of new farming regulations they didn’t
Appeals Court Overturns Conviction of Man Tried in Prison Garb
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Appeals overturned assault and other convictions against a Charles County man who said he was forced to testify at his trial in his prison-issued orange jumpsuit
PG Officials Hail Legislative Wins, Gloss Over Losses
ANNAPOLIS – Prince George’s County officials hurried Tuesday to put a happy face on the school construction proposal they had repudiated less than a week earlier
Montgomery Lawmakers Carry Home Heavy Load of State Money
ANNAPOLIS – House Speaker Casper Taylor promised Montgomery County lawmakers in January they would carry home so much state funding this year they would get hernias