WASHINGTON – The number of new gonorrhea infections in Maryland has dropped by half in the last decade, from 24,132 cases diagnosed in 1987 to 11,318 in 1996
Big Spender on Congressional Junkets Vows Altruistic Motives
WASHINGTON – The Aspen Institute paid for more than a quarter of all privately funded trips Maryland Congress members took since January 1996, but officials of the non-profit said all they are seeking is a “well-informed, bipartisan” Congress
Smart Growth Planning Sparks Interest Around Country
BALTIMORE – “Smart Growth” ideas are gaining momentum among America’s environmentalists, architects and planners, say land- use professionals who took part this week in a major national conference
Top Maryland CEOs Received Drastic Pay Increases in 1996
WASHINGTON – Income for Maryland’s top corporate bosses jumped 75 percent between fiscal 1995 and 1996, driven by hefty stock options and bonuses, according to Securities and Exchange Commission records
Holiday Hazards,530
Deck the halls with boughs of holly — but don’t hang the them by the fireplace or where children might confuse the poison red berries with candy
Vietnam Vets’ Children with Spina Bifida Eligible for Benefits
WASHINGTON – When Wayne Miller served in the U
Grandparents Assume Day Care Roles as Child Care Costs Increase
Every day for about three hours, Sally Wilson forgets she is a grandmother and slips back into her teaching routine while watching as many as six children
Baltimore/Washington Area Has More Than 400 Drug Organizations
WASHINGTON – Authorities have identified more than 400 drug organizations operating in the Washington/Baltimore region, ranging from technologically advanced cartels to street-level youth gangs