State Official To Fight Gilchrest, But Analysts Say Chances Dim

WASHINGTON – A Glendening administration official is poised to announce a bid to challenge Republican Rep

Rosapepe Sails Through Nomination Hearing For Ambassadorship

WASHINGTON – Maryland Del

Md. Activists Oppose Changes to Endangered Species Act

ANNAPOLIS – Changes to the Endangered Species Act now under consideration in the U

Plan Would Impose Smoking Ban On All Federal Work Sites

WASHINGTON – Smoking is not a privilege extended equally to all federal employees

State, Businesses Square Off Over Cost of Electronic Data

ANNAPOLIS – As more public records become available in electronic format, state agencies are hard-pressed to provide information affordably and still make ends meet, officials say

New Monument at Antietam Honors Irish Civil War Soldiers

Thomas Francis Meagher, an Irish rebel convicted of sedition by the British, escaped from an Australian penal colony in 1849, but never carried out his plans to return to his homeland and rid it of the British

Survey Results Show Graduates Need Additional Skills

BALTIMORE – Young people who enter the work force immediately after graduation from high school have poor writing, reading and communication skills, according to findings of a new survey by the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education

Western Maryland Counties Get New Open Space Funds

ANNAPOLIS – Three Western Maryland counties will get about $500,000 to maintain and expand local parks, the Board of Public Works announced Wednesday

Poll Shows Cigarette Tax May Help Legislative Candidates

ANNAPOLIS – Voter support for an increase in the state sales tax on cigarettes may be stronger than party loyalty, according to poll results released Wednesday by an anti-tobacco coalition