Chesapeake Bay Sunbathers Pose Problem for Navy Test Pilots

WASHINGTON – Sunbathers perched atop military firing targets in the Chesapeake Bay have prompted the Navy to push for tougher restrictions at the firing range, Pentagon officials said

Fewer Handguns Crossing Maryland State Lines, Advocates Say

WASHINGTON – Fewer handguns are crossing Maryland’s borders from four states known as major gun suppliers in the wake of the Brady gun-control law, anti-gun advocates said Friday

Maryland’s Public Colleges Hike Tuition To Pay for Programs

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s public colleges and universities are proposing tuition increases that average 5

Glendening Kick-Starts Maryland Prepaid Tuition Program


Maryland Welfare Caseload Continues To Drop

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s welfare caseload has declined 12

Governors Join Forces To Fight Pfiesteria

ANNAPOLIS – Governors and officials of six states met Friday and signed an agreement to cooperate in their efforts against outbreaks of Pfiesteria piscicida

House Panel to Investigate Public Health Response to Pfiesteria

WASHINGTON – The recent Pfiesteria outbreak has sparked a congressional panel to investigate the response of state and federal agencies to the mysterious toxic microbe

With CNS-Dead-Beat List

WASHINGTON – A statewide computer system to track Maryland child support payments — mandated by the federal government a decade ago to help find dead-beat parents — is five years behind schedule and still not ready

High Court To Rule On Maryland Confession Case

WASHINGTON – When the Supreme Court decides the fate of a Baltimore man this session they will likely set a precedent that could have far reaching implications for the use of confessions made to police