ANNAPOLIS – It takes money to raise money, goes the political adage
State Campaign Spending Regulations Are Broad
ANNAPOLIS – Can state legislators legally spend campaign money on dues for anything from fraternities to the NRA? Or how about donations to charities and organizations?
Under current regulations, questions of legality and ethics are a gray area
Contributions to Other Politicians Top Campaign Expenditures
ANNAPOLIS – Politicians may cite the cost of running for office to justify massive money-raising efforts, but a Capital News Service study of two years’ expenditures by General Assembly leadership found that when the lawmakers weren’t giving campaign money to their peers, many were using it for flowers, gifts and rounds of golf
A Dozen Railroad Crossings in Maryland Log Multiple Accidents in Recent Years; Residents Raise Concerns for Safety
WASHINGTON – Although railroad crossings in Maryland are getting safer, at least a dozen have had multiple accidents in recent years that led to injuries and a death, records show
Queen of the Hill: Student Takes on State Capital & the World
ANNAPOLIS – On her Clark Kent days, Jacqueline Alexandra Pruner is a junior at Broadneck High School
Elderly Immigrant Will Lose Government Benefits Needed for Rent
WASHINGTON – At 85, Moses Sapiro, an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, is about to lose the money he uses for rent and living expenses
13-Year-Old Wins Hearing in Parental Rights Termination Decree
ANNAPOLIS – In court papers, he’s called “M
Maryland Teacher of the Year Heads to White House to Talk to Clinton
WASHINGTON – At home every night, Maryland teacher Cathy Cerveny lists the names of her students and what they said in class that day
Summit Seeks to Help Blacks Feel More Comfortable as Conservatives
WASHINGTON – Delroy Cornick got a flyer in the mail from the National Black Conservative Unity Summit requesting his participation