On-Campus Suicide Rate Low for University of Md. System

ANNAPOLIS – In the past 10 years, only two schools in the University of Maryland System have experienced the impact of a suicide committed on campus

Wetlands Sidebar,280

Wetlands are characterized by water-loving plants and soils that are saturated or periodically flooded

Maryland Members of Congress Vote To Bar Federal Funds For Doctor-Assisted Suicide

WASHINGTON – Although opinions among Maryland congressmen vary on the issue of doctor-assisted suicide, all eight voted Thursday to prohibit federal funding of the practice

Clinton’s Budget Boosts Grants to College Students

WASHINGTON – The education budget enacted Oct

Postal Service Web Page Delivers Zip Codes, Mailing Info

WASHINGTON – Have a letter you need to mail, but you’re not sure of the zip code or the required postage?

No problem

UMBC Is Maryland’s Inexpensive Ivy League, Students Say

CATONSVILLE – Mona Shah said “no” to Johns Hopkins University, Cornell, Duke, Georgetown and a slew of other schools — and “yes” to the University of Maryland at Baltimore County

Firefighter Pay,530

WASHINGTON – Maryland and Virginia congressmen announced Tuesday they are seeking a 44 percent pay increase for thousands of federal firefighters to compensate them for the long hours they keep and the stressful and dangerous work they do