Bill Would Bypass DNR Watermen’s Waiting List

ANNAPOLIS – Wind-worn and rugged, their faces ruddy above white T-shirts, about 25 watermen came to Annapolis Tuesday to testify for a bill they say will help preserve their waning industry

Lawmakers Propose Banning Tobacco Vending Machines

ANNAPOLIS – Every day, anti-tobacco activists say, 60 Maryland children start smoking

USDA Proposes User Fees For Food Inspections, Producers Upset

WASHINGTON – Forty-two million chickens are inspected each week in the processing plants of the Salisbury-based Perdue Farms – at taxpayer expense

Court Upholds Expulsion of Caroline Co. High School Student

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland’s Court of Special Appeals Tuesday upheld decisions by the Caroline County Circuit Court and state and local education authorities to expel a sophomore caught using drugs at her high school in October 1994

Emergency Room Bill Would Force Insurers to Cover Visits

WASHINGTON – A 23-year-old Baltimore woman who was five months pregnant was involved in a car accident last year and started suffering abdominal pain

Amateur Star Gazers Gather To Watch Newly Discovered Comet

ANNAPOLIS – Hale-Bopp has proven the brightest comet to pass through the inner solar system since modern telescopes were invented

Science Gets Hip At The `Why Files’ Web Site

WASHINGTON – A self-described “myopic and geeky” group of science buffs discovered it can make science hip by using pop culture as a hook

Maryland Man Believes Vietnam Memorial Brings Healing

WASHINGTON – When he enlisted in the Army and went off to Vietnam, his friends from Bowie High School didn’t understand

Frederick Teen a Rising Soccer Star


“Tough Warriors” Try To Preserve Southern Maryland Heritage

CALIFORNIA, MD – Citizens in the “Mother County of Maryland,” some of whose ancestry harks back to the 1600s, want their voices heard by government