GREENBELT – Laurel’s police squad will get Valentine’s Day cards from a not-so-secret admirer
Citizen Signatures Sought for Petitions to Reform Campaign Laws
WASHINGTON – Common Cause of Maryland will try to collect 32,000 signatures as part of a national effort to convince more than 1
Appeals Court Grants New Trial to Defendant Who Had No Lawyer
ANNAPOLIS – A Baltimore County man, convicted in a trial where he represented himself without a lawyer, will receive a new trial due to a Wednesday ruling from the Maryland Court of Special Appeals
Proposed Maryland Scholarship Gives Students Hope
ANNAPOLIS – One day, as president of the United States, 16- year-old Sarah Andrews would like to see the country “moving to the point where education is really the top priority
Lawmakers Debate Election by Mail
ANNAPOLIS – Advocates of election by mail learned their lesson last year and are taking the tortoise track during the current General Assembly session
Vigil Mourns Maryland’s Domestic Violence Victims
ANNAPOLIS – About a decade ago, Joni Colsrud-Van Dyke’s abusive ex-husband arrived at her home several hours early for visitation with their two children
Make Milk the Official State Drink, Dairy Industry Asks
ANNAPOLIS – If the dairy industry gets its way, milk will soon share the spotlight with square dancing, a snail fossil and the black-eyed Susan as an official state symbol
“Thriving by Three” Bill Heard by Joint Committee Session
ANNAPOLIS – There are working families in Maryland that must choose between medicine for their children and food on their tables, state health officials told lawmakers Tuesday in support of a bill that would set up a new program
Potomac Man Sentenced on Fraud-Related Charge
WASHINGTON – A Potomac man was sentenced to 12-and-a-half years in prison Friday after pleading guilty to defrauding fellow inmates and Maryland homeowners