ANNAPOLIS – Jessica Meredith Xavier, 44, had her “re- assignment of sex surgery” in September 1993
Study Finds Steady Diet of “Polluter Pork” in Federal Budget
BALTIMORE – A coalition of environmental and taxpayer groups thinks the government should stop worrying about reforming social programs and take on an even bigger budget drain — corporate welfare
Lawmakers Think Lottery May Be the Ticket for Horse Industry
ANNAPOLIS – Casino opponents who want to help the horse industry are now looking to other programs to help keep it alive
Eastern Shore Superintendents Air Concerns
ANNAPOLIS – Six Eastern Shore school superintendents told lawmakers Thursday that schools are increasingly overburdened by state regulations and social problems that take money away from education
Maryland To Sue Federal Government Over Nuclear Waste Disposal
WASHINGTON – Maryland and more than 30 other states announced Thursday they will sue the Department of Energy over its December announcement that it cannot meet a January 1998 deadline to start disposing of high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants
County Officials, Unions Fight To Amend Baltimore School Bill
ANNAPOLIS – Delegates supporting the proposed $254 million settlement to the Baltimore City schools responded Thursday to the rumblings of other counties’ officials, who asked what the bill does for their jurisdictions
Suit against Port Deposit, Ex-Chief May Proceed, Court Says
ANNAPOLIS – The Maryland Court of Special Appeals Thursday upheld a Harford County Circuit Court ruling that Port Deposit and Samuel Maranto, the town’s former police chief, can be sued by an Oregon man who claims his constitutional rights were violated in an arrest more than four years ago