Editors: Please hold for release for Sunday, April 21.

WASHINGTON – The fortunes of its orange-and-black-clad baseball namesakes may be on the rise, but those of the Maryland state bird are on a steady decline

Lobbying Data Going On Line, But Not Financial Disclosure

ANNAPOLIS – Today, the only way to find out how much lobbyists spend wining and dining legislators and other officials is to visit the State Ethics Commission in Towson

Campaign Seeks To Give Bicycle Helmets to Needy Children

ANNAPOLIS – Concerned adults in Maryland want children to “protect their melons

House Passes Anti-terrorism Bill With Help From Maryland Members

WASHINGTON – With the help of six of seven Maryland members, the House passed a bill Thursday that would attempt to prevent terrorism and restrict appeals of death row inmates

Anne Arundel County Meets Success with Service Learning Program

ODENTON – There was a sense of urgency among Doreen Koke’s seventh grade science students as they surveyed the empty beer cans and cigarette packages along the banks of Towsers Branch

Threatened River,435

WASHINGTON – The lower Potomac was cited as one of the nation’s 20 most threatened rivers in a report released Wednesday by American Rivers, a national conservation organization

Perot Activist Has Long Association With Texas Billionaire

ANNAPOLIS – Joan Vinson was a distraught woman when she first met Ross Perot in 1969

All 19 Anti-Smoking Measures Failed in General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS – After dozens of hearing hours, none of the 19 tobacco bills introduced in 1996 passed the General Assembly

Regents’ Committee Makes Domestic Partner Benefits Report

CATONSVILLE – A committee of the University of Maryland System Board of Regents Friday recommended extending family benefits to domestic partners of system employees – whether of the same or opposite gender

Elephant Poop,530

WASHINGTON – A gloved crowd of about 16 people carrying garbage bags, buckets and shovels waited patiently Friday afternoon outside the D