Democrat Wynn Sometimes Votes Against Party, President

WASHINGTON – While generally pursuing a Democratic agenda, Rep

Federal Workers Challenge Constitutionality of Work Without Pay

WASHINGTON – Federal employees should not be forced to work without pay in the event of future government shutdowns, union attorneys said Wednesday in a federal district court hearing

Hoyer Says He’s Not Hobbled by Republican Congress

WASHINGTON – Working in a Congress where the majority is Republican, Democratic Rep

Bill Would Let Drug Users Sue Pushers

ANNAPOLIS – Drug users could sue their dealers under a bill pushed by a state lawmaker from inner-city Baltimore

Court Sets New Standard for Custody Cases

ANNAPOLIS – The District Court of Montgomery County was wrong to declare a child the ward of the court in 1994 when the father was able and willing to give proper care, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled Wednesday

7th District Candidates Spending on Ads, Pollsters

WASHINGTON – Four of the Democrats competing for Kweisi Mfume’s vacant 7th District seat have spent more than $50,000 on their campaigns since Jan

Bill Would Make All State Agencies Install Toll-Free Lines

ANNAPOLIS – A bill that calls for equipping all state agencies with toll-free telephone numbers would make government equally accessible to all Marylanders, its sponsor said Tuesday

Federal Transportation Official Calls for Steps to Improve Train Safety

WASHINGTON – The National Transportation Safety Board chairman Tuesday told a Senate panel that several steps need to be taken to improve train safety

Sarbanes, Mikulski Urge President to Support Island Project

WASHINGTON – Maryland Sens