Governor Hogan has announced the launch of a 24-hour tip line and a mobile app for Maryland students to help prevent school shootings. The goal is for students, parents, teachers and anyone else to report troubling behavior to try and avoid possible problems. The hotline and the app are anonymous and operate 24 hours a day.
Local elementary school students get hands-on lifesaving lessons for Fire Prevention Week
October is National Fire Prevention month. It officially kicked off with Fire Prevention Week October 7-13. To mark the occasion, a Baltimore elementary school got a special visit from some firefighters who brought with them a few important fire safety lessons.
International ships set sail for Baltimore during Fleet Week
Ships and vessels are a common site in Baltimore’s inner harbor. But today marks the start of Flee Week and ships and sailors from around the world are calling on the city to join in the festivities.
Physical activity report shows poor health for children
WASHINGTON — Children in the United States are not getting as much physical activity as they should be according to a newly released 2018 report card.
Marylanders react to Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s #SCOTUS confirmation
Both Maryland residents and politicians used Twitter to share their opinions about the recently confirmed Supreme Court Justice.
Juvenile detention centers use yoga to teach mindfulness
If not for the guards, this could be any school gym — but the yoga and mindfulness class that’s about to begin serves boys in a secure detention center in Baltimore.
Jealous’ Facebook audience smaller, more active than Hogan’s
Capital News Service analyzed data from Larry Hogan and Ben Jealous’ Facebook campaign pages from June 26 through Sept. 24.
Moments from #CancelKavanaugh
WASHINGTON – As the Senate prepared to vote on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, protesters marched in the nation’s capital Thursday to voice their anger over what they considered the injustice of a man accused of…
The Washington Bullpen, Episode 4
WASHINGTON – On this week’s “Washington Bullpen” podcast, Host Jarod Golub talks about the new U.S.-Canada-Mexico trade agreement and Amazon’s minimum wage increase. Danielle Stein and Lauren Koenig from the Capital News Service broadcast bureau join to discuss Thursday’s FBI…
Maryland’s senators rip limited scope of FBI’s Kavanaugh report
WASHINGTON — Ahead of an expected vote on Saturday, Maryland’s Democratic senators on Thursday decried the FBI’s supplemental investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, calling it rushed and incomplete. “I think it raises more questions than it answers,” Sen. Ben Cardin,…