Baltimore residents remain hopeful about the troubled city’s future

BALTIMORE, Maryland—Baltimore has plenty of problems, but it is still a place many call home. Citizens have hope for their city, and they believe it is worth saving. These residents want you to see beyond the headlines.

Basketball provides learning opportunities for teen from single parent home

BALTIMORE, Maryland — Over 60 percent of children in Baltimore live in single-parent households. As one of six kids to a single mother, Everett Croslin finds additional support from his mentor, Haneef Hardy, who helps him navigate the challenges of growing up in Baltimore.

Baltimore man overcomes drug abuse, wins family back

BALTIMORE, Maryland — Over 90,000 children were removed from their homes in 2017 because at least one parent had a substance abuse issue. An ex-cocaine addict and single father, Michael Lewis tells the story of getting his children back.

Baltimore students take up track to help stay on the right path

BALTIMORE, Maryland — According to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 63 percent of violent crimes committed by juveniles occur on school days right after school, from 3 P.M. to 7 P.M. Some students at Baltimore’s Excel Academy are trying to beat those odds by joining a track team to stay out of trouble, even though they aren’t properly equipped.

Students with limited options for getting to school seek improvements

BALTIMORE, Maryland — More than 27,000 Baltimore City Public School students rely on public transportation to get to school. Dashay McCrae shows us her route from school, and explains how the transportation system in Baltimore needs improving.

Finding foster care homes is a challenge in Baltimore

BALTIMORE, Maryland— More than 430,000 children are living in the foster care system in the U.S. Jamaica Briley has been a foster mom for 15 years and her house is now home to three girls.

Limited resources leave many Baltimore residents digitally challenged

BALTIMORE, Maryland— About 20 percent of Baltimore households do not have a computer. Tiffany Owens is a participant in the STRIVE job training program. Her lack of access to technology in Baltimore has prevented her from moving forward in her career.

Baltimore students get help making prom possible

BALTIMORE, Maryland— Prom night is expensive. In Baltimore, where over 20 percent of residents live below the poverty line, one group of women is helping to make it a little more affordable by giving away prom dresses to girls in need.

Baltimore man battles homelessness

BALTIMORE, Maryland— From homelessness to substance abuse to violence to single-parent homes, many residents of Baltimore face unending challenges. This special video report introduces just some of the people who are facing those challenges and takes a look at their efforts to try and rise above them.