Lawmakers work toward solution on juvenile justice

Lawmakers are moving toward consensus on changes to Maryland’s juvenile justice system, discussing how to address crime by children ages 10 to 12 and get them into rehabilitation programs that can help.

Lawmakers may derail dreams of high-speed transit

Maryland lawmakers this session are debating their possible role in funding a high-speed rail project from Washington, D.C. to New York City, with some convinced the answer is clear: the state shouldn’t have any role at all.

Map: How the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future’s will impact your district

Get summaries of the strengths, weaknesses and funding changes under the Blueprint plans of each of the state’s 24 school districts.

Behind the Blueprint

“Behind the Blueprint” is the Local News Network’s comprehensive report on the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, the 10-year, multi-billion-dollar plan to remake public education in the state.

Blueprint or budget-breaker? No one knows how to pay for Maryland’s massive education reform

Maryland’s Democratic-led legislature passed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future in 2021, vowing to pour billions of dollars into the state’s public schools.

‘Behind the Blueprint’: A Local News Network project detailing Maryland’s education reform plan

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, a multi-billion dollar endeavor aimed at addressing concerns about the quality of public education in the state, is about to remake virtually every public school in the state. Here are the five pillars…

Lawmakers reached a tentative funding agreement but now face a countdown to avoid a shutdown

The House went back to work Wednesday and reached an agreement in budget discussions, but with a deadline of Friday at midnight lawmakers are now looking to buy time to pass the bill through both chambers.

Reproductive rights advocates urge Congress to recognize women’s economic burdens

With ever-changing laws on reproductive rights across the country, advocates are urging Congress to recognize the economic burdens women face when trying to access reproductive healthcare, especially in states where it is restricted.

‘It’s certainly over’ for aid-in-dying bill this year

Lawmakers have tabled a fiercely debated bill that would have granted terminally ill Maryland residents the right to end their lives, a setback to supporters who hoped it would finally pass this year.

Following lockdown, Md. lawmakers express worry over Capitol’s emergency alert system

A day after a threat to the state capitol prompted a near two-hour lockdown, lawmakers applauded the quick work of law enforcement, but raised concerns about efficient communication.