Master puppeteer pulls heart strings in schools across Maryland

In a world saturated with digital entertainment, one Maryland performer is keeping an old art form alive, the puppet show.
73-year-old Michael Cotter earns a living performing with his portable puppet theatre in schools across Baltimore and Prince George’s County.

General Assembly approves decriminalizing oral sex

Democratic sponsors of the bill said repealing the current statute is necessary to protect the constitutional right to privacy between consenting adults.

Hate crime package aims to curb Maryland’s rising antisemitic incidents

Maryland recorded the 10th-highest number of antisemitic incidents nationwide in 2022 with 109 — nearly double how many there were in 2021.

Non-profit shields kids and families from anti-LGBTQ protestors like the Proud Boys

The group also helps support victims of human trafficking, many of the victims are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Maryland Governor announces plan to stop sale of gas powered cars by 2035

The plan includes pushing for more electric vehicle use and more charging stations across the state.

Tree House Child Advocacy Center provides free services to abused children

They conduct forensic investigations, provide free therapy and medical evaluations for victims as well as preparing kids for court proceedings.

New free etching program in Maryland to combat catalytic converter theft

Catalytic converter thefts have gone up the past few years, especially with the increase of hybrid vehicles. Montgomery County Police partnered up with car dealers and mechanics to make the piece unique to the car and easily traceable.

Tenants plead for rent caps as landlords ask for higher rents in Montgomery County

Thousands of families in Maryland are fighting to keep a roof over their heads. But landlords are gearing up to hike their rent. Montgomery County Council wants to cap rent hikes at three percent while property developers want an increase of at least eight percent.

Maryland’s Cardin, other Democrats, push to include dental coverage under Medicare

As of 2019, nearly half of Medicare beneficiaries, or 24 million people, did not have dental coverage, according to a study.

Legislators working to make Maryland Rye official state spirit

Maryland has a long history with rye whiskey. State laws also recently changed to allow for more of a boom for distilleries.