Senate committee hears bill creating ‘lockbox’ on Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund, among others

The bill would put a constitutional amendment before voters that, if approved, would make it increasingly difficult to divert funds from the bay fund to the state’s general fund or other special funds.

Maryland House revisits last year’s legislation, overrides three of Gov. Hogan’s vetoes

The Democratic-controlled House of Delegates exercised its power over the Republican governor’s vetoes from last year’s session.

New Poll Reveals Tight Maryland Senate Race

New survey of likely Democratic voters in Maryland’s Senate primary shows Chris Van Hollen with a slight lead over Donna Edwards.

Activists and Former Felons Advocated to Override Gov. Hogan’s Veto

With the possibility of a veto override in the General Assembly looming next week, activists gathered on the steps of the Maryland State House to urge legislators to expand voting rights for former felons.

Maryland General Assembly 2016 session kicks off in Annapolis

Photos show legislators in action on the first day of the 2016 Maryland General Assembly.

Maryland Considers Stricter Drunken Driving Penalties for First-Time Offenders

The General Assembly will weigh lowering the blood alcohol content required for first-time, non-commercial offenders to receive the device, which prevents motorists from starting their vehicle while intoxicated.

Maryland General Assembly kicks off 2016 session with education, police, vetoes atop the agenda

On the first day of the legislative session, some lawmakers were mingling and greeting while others touted their agendas for the coming year.