Thousands of DMV students stage walkout for stricter gun regulation and greater school security

Students from Montgomery County’s Winston Churchill High School joined with thousands of other students from around the area on Wednesday in a walk-out, 17-minute silent protest and open call to the White House and Congress for better protections for students in school and additional gun control legislation.

Area readies for an early bloom for Washington’s famed cherry blossoms

Springtime is coming and that means Washington’s Cherry Blossoms will soon be in bloom.

Anne Arundel County animal shelter’s reading program helps community bond with animals

n Anne Arundel County teenager has found a way to bring the local community together through books and shelter animals.

Supporters, opponents square off over proposed hike in state’s minimum wage

In a hearing before the House Economic Matters Committee, supporters of a proposed hike in Maryland’s minimum wage argued that the current rate leaves hundreds of thousands of the state’s working families trapped in a cycle of poverty. Opponents say that increasing the current $9.25 an hour to $15 would only hurt small businesses and possibly lead to the elimination of many jobs.

Annapolis rally calls on Governor to fully fund mental health, addiction aid

-Hundreds rallied on Lawyer’s Mall in front of the State House on Thursday to urge Governor Hogan to “keep the door open” for those suffering from mental and behavioral health challenges. The demonstrators say the General Assembly last year expanded a program to tackle the heroin and opioid addiction problem. But, they say, the Governor’s budget proposal fails to fully fund it.

Local health officials say risk of getting the flu is still high

About this time of year the flu bug starts winding down. But this year is proving to be one of the worst for Maryland, and the rest of the country,with new cases of the flu still coming in at a high rate.

League of Dreams gives children with special needs a chance at baseball

COLLEGE PARK, Maryland — The University of Maryland baseball team partnered up with the League of Dreams organization to hold a baseball clinic for children with special needs. League of Dreams helps teach individuals with special needs the sport of baseball.…

Baltimore joint crime effort nets hundreds of arrests

Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies working together for the past 60 days to combat violent crime in Baltimore has resulted in the arrests of hundreds of the city’s most violent offenders. The crackdown has lead to ten charges of murder, ten charges of attempted murder and 76 charged with assault or aggravated assault.

Maryland delegate sponsors bill allowing school employees to carry guns

Baltimore-Harford County State Delegate Rick Impallaria says schools need a comprehensive plan and additional protocols to protect students and staff from tragedies like this week’s deadly high school shooting in Lakeland, Florida. Impallaria is asking the legislature to approve a bill that would allow school employees to carry guns on school grounds.

Bill proposes age limits on tackle football for young athletes

Good Counsel High School freshman William Leatherwood has been playing tackle football since second grade. Leatherwood says playing tackle football for so many years has helped get him to Good Counsel and their athletic program. But that could change for younger athletes in the future.