MD Congressional Delegation discusses repealing Obamacare

The battle between President Trump and supporters of the Affordable Care is just heating up. The democratic members of Maryland’s Congressional delegation say repealing Obamacare could be devastating for more than half-a-million Marylanders.

Maryland Congressman calls for investigation following Flynn resignation

WASHINGTON – Maryland Second District Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger wants Congress to begin a bipartisan investigation following the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Ruppersberger also called on President Trump to “stop tweeting and starting leading.”

Justice Scalia’s Death Leaves a Void in the Supreme Court

Justice Antonin Scalia’s death this past weekend has thrown the Supreme Court into a state of flux. Mark Graber explains some of the political and legal ramifications of Scalia’s passing.

Congressional Hockey: Lobbyists and Congressmen Face Off for Charity

Lobbyists and congressmen hit the ice at the 8th Annual Congressional Hockey Challenge.

Pope’s speech to Congress draws thousands to Capitol

Hundreds of invited guests took to the West Lawn at the Capitol to watch the Pope address the members of Congress via Jumbotron.

Let Summer Be Summer: A Battle of the Boards

For many of us Labor Day is synonymous with the start of the school year. But, in Maryland, many schools begin before the holiday. And that’s the rub.

Maryland Representatives Respond to Netanyahu Speech

Three members of the Maryland congressional delegation agreed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the importance of the American-Israeli alliance after Netanyahu’s address to a joint meeting of Congress.

Angry Protesters Demand an End to Shutdown

Angry furloughed workers and members of Congress gathered on Capitol Hill to voice their frustrations.

Members of Congress Open WW II Memorial to Vets

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of Congress join with World War II vets in entering the grounds of the World War II memorial in Washington despite its closure because of the government shutdown.

Group of Ex-Pols Works to Make Voices Heard

A group of former politicians are trying to ensure elected officials on Capitol Hill and around the country hear the voices of their constituents