Maryland Looks to Other States to Help Improve Air Quality

A large percentage of Maryland’s air pollution could be reduced after the Supreme Court ruled last month that the EPA has the authority to regulate emissions that cross state borders.

More Protection for Md. Waters Under Proposed EPA Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to extend Clean Water Act protection to smaller bodies of water across the country, including waterways that feed into the Chesapeake Bay.

Lawmakers Target Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Renewable Energy Goals

With six years left until the state meets its self-imposed deadline for greenhouse gas reduction, projections show the state will miss its target without legislation to promote increased use of renewable energy sources.

States’ Support of Chesapeake Lawsuit Draws Thousands of Petition Signatures

A Chesapeake Bay Foundation petition has attracted more than 25,000 signers supporting the Environmental Protection Agency against a lawsuit supported by 21 states.

EPA Regulations on Power Plant Emissions Could Devastate Western Maryland Coal Mining, Industry Says

Carbon limits on new power plants could hurt Western Maryland’s coal mining industry.

Rainwater Gardens to Reduce Chesapeake Pollution

Gardens that filter rainwater to reduce pollution in the Chesapeake Bay will be planted in Prince George’s County, the Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday.