U.S. Senate votes down two bills to end record shutdown

On the same day that the U.S. Senate rejected two bills that would end the government shutdown, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin again criticized President Trump’s proposal for a wall along the Mexican border. Cardin also said delaying the President’s State of the Union address was the right thing to do because it would not be appropriate to talk about the state of the union while the government is still shut down.

Supreme Court to hear Maryland gerrymandering case on Wednesday

It’s been years in coming and tomorrow, Maryland’s gerrymandering case that’s been making its way through the courts, ends up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Congressional lines were re-drawn between 2010 and 2011 by state legislative leaders–all Democrats. Soon after some residents of the state’s Sixth Congressional District filed suit. Opponents claimed that the congressional lines had been gerrymandered by the Democrats, violating their First Amendment rights and reducing the chances for a Republican to be elected from that district.

Bells sound at National Cathedral to honor the victims of the Las Vegas massacre

The bells rang at Washington’s National Cathedral Tuesday, once for each for victim of the massacre in Las Vegas on Sunday. For the religious leaders from throughout the area who participated in the observance, the sounding of the bells was more than just a memorial…it was a call for action.

Pro Trump rally on national mall

Several hundred people gathered on the national mall last weekend for a pro Trump rally. But what was being called the “mother of all rallies” came up a little short. 

State begins new technology program to help vulnerable Marylanders

ANNAPOLIS — While state officials have claimed that Maryland has lead the country in technology and innovation, Governor Hogan says technological resources in some agencies are still not up to par. The governor says the state is taking a big step forward in providing important human services to residents throughout the state.

Baltimore ushers in a new era with 50th mayor Catherine Pugh

Stephanie Rawlings Blake passed the torch today as former state senator Catherine Pugh was finally sworn in as the new mayor of Baltimore.

Trump’s campaign rhetoric worries criminal justice reformers

President-elect Trump promised on the campaign trail to be the ‘law and order president.’ But with no specific criminal justice policy proposals, minority communities are worried what this will mean for the potential for reform.

Students React to Presidential Election

College Park, Md. — Dissent over the election of republican Donald Trump hit the campus of the University of Maryland where hundreds turned out to express their concern about what might lie ahead under a Trump administration.

Governor Hogan’s popularity remains high but democrats say re-election is not guaranteed

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland– He refused to endorse the republican party’s presidential candidate eventually saying he would vote against him. But that appears to have only helped Governor Hogan’s popularity in Maryland where the most recent poll shows he had 71% approval…

Senator-elect Chris Van Hollen joins with other democrats to prepare changes in Washington

While Maryland legislators are happy that Chris Van Hollen was elected to replace Barbara Mikulski in the senate, they remain wary about a Donald Trump presidency