Permits Allow Hunting on Maryland Farmers’ Fields to Control Crop-Eating Deer

Year-round hunting is possible through Deer Management Permits for farms with damaged crops.

Venison, the Other Red Meat, on Maryland Tables

“You can barely tell it’s not beef when it’s cooked right.”

Maryland Reforms Juvenile Probation System with ‘Graduated Responses’ Decision-Making Tool

Maryland’s Department of Juvenile Services is developing an objective decision-making tool called a ‘system of graduated responses’ and plans to run a full pilot program in January.

Harriet Tubman National Park Nears Approval

Harriet Tubman to Become first African American Woman with National Park

The Satirical Comedy World Wages War Against Washington’s NFL Team

Do satirical television shows alter young people’s perceptions, or are they simply reflecting views already held by younger Americans?

The Cutting Edge: Sport Sensor Technology for the Modern Coach

Radar guns, bat swing sensors and monitor devices, once exclusive to the elite level of sport, are now affordable to the everyday coach.

“Kids are visual learners and live in the 160-character world; embrace it, there’s no risk,” said baseball head coach Sean O’Connor of DeMatha Catholic High School.

Purple Line Controvery, Democratic Party Wants the Line.

Local and state democrats make a push for the construction of METRO’s Purple Line. It’s a project that republican Larry Hogan has said he’ll do away with if selected as Maryland’s governor.

Maryland Coaches Embrace Affordable, High-Tech Toolset

The quality gap between professional and amateur coaching tools is rapidly shrinking. Parents who miss their child’s games can follow along on their phone. Coaches and players now stay on the same page when learning and practicing thanks to organized, computer-created playbooks and game notes.

Coaches Gain Family Time, Improve Practices With Video Analysis Services

Professional and NCAA athletic programs long shouldered the costs to hire video coordinators, provide professional statistics and create segmented game films, but now youth, high school and smaller-college coaches have affordable access to these technologies.

Former Gov. Harry Hughes Reflects on Life Beyond Politics

“It was eight years of honest government” under Harry Hughes, said former Gov. Parris Glendening.