Former Raven helps to promote importance of school breakfasts

ANNAPOLIS–Valentine’s Day wasn’t just about candy hearts and Hershey’s Kisses at Germantown Elementary School in Annapolis. It was a day for celebrating Maryland Meals for Achievement Day and getting a first-hand lesson from former Ravens wide receiver Qadry Ismail about…

Senate Walk Out

ANNAPOLIS, Md–During a heated conversation on the Senate Floor Thursday morning, the majority of the 14 Republican senators walked out of the chamber in protest. The senators complained they were not given sufficient time to review the Maryland Defense Act…

Montgomery County says no change in policy despite presidential executive order on immigration

SILVER SPRING, Maryland–They are refugees, undocumented and documented immigrants, and residents with green cards. But Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett says the county has no plans to change its policies when it comes to how they are all treated, despite…

State lawmakers debate bill allowing terminally ill patients to end their lives

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — This was the third year state lawmakers have been asked: should a terminally ill person, who has less than six months to live and is mentally capable, be able to receive medication to end their lives? Should the…

Local community fights to preserve a piece of its history

SILVER SPRING, Maryland — Descendants and supporters of a local African American church battle over future plans for the land above the church’s cemetery.

CASA joins protest at White House opposing executive order on immigration

WASHINGTON — Protesters from Prince George’s County-based CASA joined with others in a demonstration across the street from the White House Wednesday. The groups were voicing their opposition to President Trump’s executive order cutting funding to cities promising sanctuary to undocumented…

State lawmakers put passing bills aside for an annual game of roundball

COLLEGE PARK–Maryland state lawmakers are sometimes known for playing hardball but for one night during the 90-day session they face off against each other in a game of roundball.

UMD Spring Sports Media Day

COLLEGE PARK– The University of Maryland spring sports teams, along with men’s basketball’s Mark Turgeon and Melo Trimble, sat down with the media to discuss their teams’ current status and preparation for competition down the road.

Wacky Weather

COLLEGE PARK- Record-breaking temperatures bring students out to enjoy the unseasonably warm February weather. But the word’s out that winter is about to strike again.

INAUGURATION PROTESTS: Demonstrators rally at the inauguration of Donald Trump

WASHINGTON — As Donald Trump was being sworn in as the country’s 45th president, protesters hit the streets and confronted police in a number of skirmishes throughout the day.