Ruppersberger Ponders Senate Race, Stresses Bipartisan Approach

There may be a U.S. Senate campaign in Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger’s future. Then again, there may not.

Justice Department to Investigate Death in Baltimore Police Custody

The Justice Department said Tuesday it will investigate the death of Freddie Gray after members of Maryland’s Congressional delegation sent the department a letter requesting an inquiry.

Maryland Lawmakers Celebrate Maryland Day Using Social Media

[View the story “Maryland Lawmakers Celebrate Maryland Day ” on Storify]

Congressional Democrats Urge Hogan to Support Red, Purple Lines

The Democrats in Maryland’s Congressional delegation sent Gov.-elect Larry Hogan a letter Thursday expressing strong support for the Red Line transit project in Baltimore and the Purple Line project in suburban Washington.

Economy Tops Obama Second-term Agenda

President Barack Obama used his State of the Union address Tuesday to focus on an economy that continues to struggle toward recovery and to lobby for better gun laws to stem the tide of violence that claimed two more student lives in Maryland.

Maryland Casts Delegates for Obama

Maryland delegates were still crowing about President Bill Clinton’s Wednesday night speech at their breakfast meeting Thursday.