Maryland Delegation Backs Plan for Bipartisan Seating at Obama Speech

WASHINGTON – In a letter to congressional leadership this week, Sen

Video of Gov. Martin O’Malley’s Inauguration

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ANNAPOLIS — The pomp and circumstance are officially over

Md. Immigrants’ Income Outranks All States but DC


Iced Cars, Trucks Create Road Peril

WASHINGTON – If you drove Maryland’s roads Tuesday, chances are you saw them: shimmering sheets of ice dislodging themselves from cars and trucks and soaring gracefully through the air

Vets Fight For Slots

ANNAPOLIS — War veterans’ organizations are taking another shot at passing legislation allowing them to operate slot machines to offset dire finances at posts across the state

Cardin Law Makes Federal Government Pay Stormwater Fees

COLLEGE PARK – Local and state governments could see stormwater management fees from the federal government in “a matter of weeks,” Sen

General Assembly Opens to $1.6 Billion Deficit

ANNAPOLIS — The Maryland General Assembly kicked off the first day of the 428th legislative session Wednesday amid a looming budget shortfall that could bring cuts in education funding, and a potential showdown over same-sex marriage that could set the stage for a contentious session

Illegal Immigration a Top Priority for Baltimore County Delegate

ANNAPOLIS — Before the Maryland legislative session was even an hour old, Delegate Pat McDonough, R-Baltimore County, announced plans to introduce 16 bills cracking down on illegal immigration in the state