Data Shows Maryland Retail Stores Becoming Off-Limits to Teenage Smokers

WASHINGTON – Minors had a harder time buying cigarettes from Maryland retailers in 2002 than they did the year before, new data suggest

Report Card on Health Emergency Preparedness Gives Maryland High Marks

WASHINGTON – Maryland is one of the best states in the nation when it comes to preparation for health emergencies like bioterrorism, but it still has a long way to go, according to a report released Thursday

Howard County No. 1 Nationally in High School Grads; Baltimore Among Worst

WASHINGTON – Howard County had the country’s highest percent of adults with a high school diploma last year, while nearby Baltimore City had one of the lowest rates, according to a new Census Bureau report

State Police Superintendent Resigns After Indictment on Corruption Charges

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland State Police Superintendent Edward T

State Officials Knew of Voting Systems’ Drawbacks

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland officials knew computerized voting systems wouldn’t produce paper audit trails months before they began spending a total $54 million on a controversial statewide touch-screen voting system in December 2001

Changes date in fifth graph. No other changes.

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland officials knew computerized voting systems wouldn’t produce paper audit trails months before they began spending a total $54 million on a controversial statewide touch-screen voting system in December 2001

FBI Says Hate Crimes Against Muslims Down; Advocates Say Discrimination Up

WASHINGTON – Anti-Muslim hate crimes decreased sharply in Maryland last year, following what advocates say was a nationwide spike in such crimes following the Sept

Aggressive Drivers Kill; Bill Would Make it a Crime

ANNAPOLIS – A new measure designed to curb aggressive driving would make motorists who kill another driver through their own recklessness guilty of a new crime – homicide by aggressive driving

HIV/AIDS Cases Set Record in Maryland — Again

WASHINGTON – The number of people living with HIV and AIDS in Maryland reached 26,231 last year, the latest in a line of steady increases since the state began reporting HIV infections in 1994