Kids have long had a fascination with fire. Most learn to respect it and the damage it can cause. But, there are some who don’t and, at times, it comes with tragic results. Local experts say while it’s difficult to track the numbers, their anecdotal evidence indicates there’s an increasing number of girls involved in an activity that was once primarily associated with males.
International student enrollment in United States drops, UMD does not follow trend
College enrollment of international students in the United States is decreasing for the first time in over 10 years. It dropped over six percent from 2016 to 2017 and many blame Trump administration policies for the drop in enrollment. But others say the drop in international enrollment has much more to do with growing competition from colleges around the world along with the increasing cost of attending college.
Local author on the challenges to becoming a children’s book author
While the controversy continues over Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh’s nearly one million dollar book scandal, local children’s book author Priscilla Cummings has been writing books for kids for over 30 years after her career as a journalist. Cummings says the road to publishing can be very bumpy.
Traditional Chinese puppeteer tours Maryland schools sharing the art of his craft with children
A traditional Chinese puppeteer recently made his first trip to the U.S. to share his craft with Maryland schools.
National Harbor residents, visitors say they won’t let terror threat impact them
National Harbor residents and visitors say they are determined to continue life as usual despite the arrest on Monday of a Montgomery County man who police say stole a rental truck with the intention of mowing down people at National Harbor.
DC store’s Go-Go music is turned back on after neighborhood protest
For nearly a quarter-of-a-century, a local store in Washington’s Shaw neighborhood has entertained the public with Go-Go played on external protests. A recent protest by neighbors silenced the music. But it didn’t last long after Go-Go fans united to get it turned back on.
Local paddling group wins battle with government over Potomac River
President Trump loves golfing, and when he does it locally, it can affect some D-M-V residents. The Canoe Cruisers Association has been paddling on the Potomac for years, but when the president golfs at his course across the river in Sterling, Virginia, paddling on the Potomac came to a stop because of a security ban on activity on the river. The CCA fought for their river back, and won, and celebrated back on the Potomac.
HHS initiative aims to prevent new cases of HIV in Maryland and other “trouble spots”
The US Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with local health departments to help diagnose and prevent new cases of HIV. In Maryland there are three “hot spots:” Baltimore City, Prince George’s County, and Montgomery County.
State Comptroller calls for resignation of Baltimore mayor
During Wednesday’s meeting of the state Board of Public Works Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot praised Governor Hogan for requesting an investigation into the children’s book controversy involving Baltimore’s Mayor Catherine Pugh. Franchot said he also found it difficult to believe that legislative leaders who sit on the board of the University of Maryland Medical System’s Board with Pugh were not aware of some possible improprieties.
A new way to relax at the Maryland Zoo with yoga and penguins
Yoga enthusiasts now have a wild alternative to their usual setting. They can relax with an hour-long vinyasa-style class while enjoying the up-close view of the African penguins at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.